Antologien præsenteres ved Folk og Kultur 2022

Nordisk Kulturfond deltager i en samtale om kulturpolitikkens udvikling i Norden torsdag 10. februar.

Den store kulturpolitiske konvent Folk och Kultur i Eskilstuna afholdes i et digitalt format den 9.-11. februar. 

Nordisk Kulturfond og tænketanken a/nordi/c er medarrangører af en samtale om kulturpolitikkens og kunstens rolle i samfundet i dag og i fremtiden, torsdag den 10. februar kl. 13.25-13.45.

Samtalen med Anni Syrjäläinen og Eline Sigfusson indledes af visning af filmen “Reflections”, som tager afsæt antologien.

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The anthology's editor Gunilla Kindstrand will discuss the recent development of cultural policy in the Nordic countries with Ove Kaj Pedersen, one of the contributors in the book. The conversation will take place on Thursday 23 September at 15.55-16.10.

This year's book fair in Gothenburg is a hybrid fair, which means that you can experience the fair both physically and digitally. Buy tickets for both formats here.

Illustration: Rakastaja Robert

Meet two contributors from the new anthology, Eline Sigfusson and Ove Kaj Pedersen, in a new film that reflects on the development and significance of cultural policy in the Nordic countries. The film is produced by Fantom Film and filmed at Det Kgl. Bibliotek / The Black Diamond in Copenhagen, Denmark.

The launch of the new anthology "Reflections: art culture politics society" was held on June 9th 2-3 pm (Danish time). You can watch the streamed event here.

Program for the launch 9 June 2-3 pm (Danish time)

Welcome, by the Fund’s director Benny Marcel
Premiere of a new anthology film
Interview and discussion with a selection of the book’s contributors:

Eva Bergquist, executive director of the cultural administration of Region Stockholm
Gunilla Kindstrand, journalist and dramaturge
Ove Kaj Pedersen, professor emeritus in comparative political economics
Eline Sigfusson, deputy director of the Nordic Culture Fund

The moderator of the event was journalist Anja Bo

The illustrations shown in the background are made by Rakastaja Robert (Robert Lönnqvist)

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